The Shuttlebirds Tatting Guild of Spokane was started in 1996 to bring together tatters who share an enthusiasm and passion for the art of tatting, a willingness to share with others, and a desire to learn new and creative ways to tat. Our goal is to promote and encourage interest in tatting, for both members and the general public, by providing educational opportunities through workshops, classes, demonstrations and exhibits.
Our membership year is September - August.
Dues: $24 per year. New members may prorate to $2 per month of current membership year.

President: Sherry Burgess
Vice-President: Roberta Waines
Secretary: Tera Lewis
Treasurer: Saraylynn Findlay
All officers can be contacted via - please add Attn: [Officer Name] into the subject line. Members may also look up their direct emails in the guild handbook.

Voluntary Positions
Demonstrations - Open
Education Coordinator - Open
Historian - Open
Librarian - Natalie Rogers []
Membership Chairman - Annie Lindsay
Editor - Char MacKay - please email articles, pictures, book reviews etc. to by the 15th of each month to have it added to the newsletter
Property Manager - Open
Sunshine Chairman - Roberta Waines
Videoconference Technician - Char MacKay
Website & Social Media Coordinator - Natalie Rogers

Workshop Committee
Roberta Waines
Deirdre (Dee) Hansen
Lynda Klymko
Denice Lewis
Annie Lindsay
Becky Strode
Natalie Rogers
Char MacKay