Members may check out two books per month. See below for library rules.
Titles in Our Library

Library Rules
- The library books and a selection of The Workbasket magazines will be available at, before, and after each meeting for members to check out.
- Members may request a specific book by notifying the librarian no later than one week prior to the next meeting. If the book is not available, the member may request to be “wait listed”.
- Out of town members may borrow books by sending a check in the amount of $5.00 per book to cover postage and handling. Checks are to be made payable to the librarian, by name, and must be received no later than one week prior to the next meeting. If the book requested is not available, the member will be “wait listed” and notified as such. (A book is defined as one publication or one set of The Workbasket magazine.
- A book may be borrowed for a period of one month, and may be renewed for a second month provided it is not “wait listed” for another member. If books are not returned on time without contacting the librarian, the borrower will be fined $2.00 per book, per month overdue, payable upon return.
- There shall be a limit of two books per member per month.
- The librarian shall keep a record of the title of the book, the name of the borrower, the date borrowed and the date due.
- Members are responsible for returning all library materials to the librarian, or designated substitute, and in the same condition in which it was received. Members who lose and/or damage any library materials will be fined $25.00 towards the cost of a replacement.
- Materials donated to the library shall be accompanied by a note with the following information: title and author of the publication, donor’s name, and date of donation.
- New acquisitions, whether purchased or donated, will not be available for members to borrow for a minimum of one month, to allow the librarian time to record them.
- All books, magazines, and other materials donated to the library shall become the property of the Shuttlebirds Tatting Guild, and at its dissolution will be donated to another tatting club.
All library inquiries and/or donations should be directed to the librarian:
Shuttlebirds Tatting GuildPO Box 9029
Spokane, WA 99209-9029
United States of America